In a Rush

I have a personality flaw.  It has traveled with me if not from birth, then from childhood. It’s the drive to finish, the sense that I have to complete whatever it is I’m working on in a hurry.  Time feels to me like a huge hammer ready to swing down and stop all forward progress.  So, I rush.

While this pervades many aspects of my life, it is most apparent in creative works.  Maybe watching half-hour episodes of painting on television has propelled me into this strange idea that I can work a masterpiece in a short period of time.  Maybe it is the sense that there is not enough time to do what I need to do that has pushed me into a rush to finish works of art or writing.  In any case, I find that instead of having painted a masterpiece, I have a hundred mediocre pictures, most of which were scrapped.  Instead of having an epic, I have novellas.

I am striving to change.  It’s an ingrained personality trait and as such will take work.  My idea is to transform into a perfectionist, which is the opposing side of my personality.  I am already rebelling at the thought.  I can see it in the excuses I want to write, the reasoning for why it will take so long to accomplish, and the areas in which it should not apply.

It’s not a New Year’s resolution.  It’s a life-time resolution–one that I’m going to challenge myself with.


About jeanetteraleigh

Jeanette Raleigh is an artist and author who has spent most of her life at some creative pursuit. Whether painting a castle or writing a novel, Jeanette enjoys the playful aspects of creation and strives to make worlds where others feel at home. You can find her works of art and information about her fiction at
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